Why We Still Love “Elf,” 20 Years Later

I don't remember the first time I watched "Elf." I do not think this is uncommon.

Often, the most beloved Christmas movies are those that play on TV the most often, and "Elf" is certainly a cable staple.

But that's not the real reason it's one of the best Christmas movies of all time.

"Elf" is a magical mixture of earnestness and silliness, New York City and the North Pole, and a bunch of actors who give their massive talents to make a classic, eminently lovable film."Elf" was released 20 years ago, on Nov.

7, 2003.

Directed by Jon Favreau and written by David Berenbaum, it tells the story of Buddy the elf, who is in fact not an elf at all but a human.

Will Ferrell stars as Buddy, and it's one of his best performances.

Ferrell often plays characters who aren't as smart as everyone else, but here, he does...

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