We Can’t Stop Listening to That Excellent Fiona Apple Cover in Oitnb’s New Trailer

Orange Is the New Black's season six trailer is here, and along with it, a whole lot of anxiety.

Not only have all of the series' beloved characters been separated within a dangerous maximum security facility, but they're also caught up in a violent turf war between rival groups in the new prison, and being persuaded to turn on each other in a shady investigation conducted by the company that ran Litchfield.

Clearly the three-day prison riot that went down last season has had major consequences.

All that aside, there's another aspect of the trailer that we can't stop thinking about: that Fiona Apple cover.At the 1:30 minute mark, above, you can hear an upbeat cover of Apple's 1996 hit "Criminal." With lyrics like "What I need is a good defense / Cause I'm feelin' like a criminal / And I need to be redeemed / To the one I've sinned

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