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Tag Archives for " Lisa Simpson "

The Simpsons’ Trip To Canada Gets Mixed Response Over ‘Newfie’ Jokes

Sunday night’s episode of “The Simpsons” had America’s favourite cartoon family venture north of the border.In the episode, Lisa Simpson flees the problematic situation in the U.S.by going to Canada as a political refugee.Related: D’Oh Canada! Trudeau to make appearance on ‘The Simpsons’ At The Av Club, the episode, which featured a satiricalRead full article

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‘The Simpsons’ Showrunner Hits Back At Ted Cruz, He’s ‘The One Who Could Use A Pacifier’

“The Simpsons” showrunner Al Jean did not take kindly to Senator Ted Cruz invoking the famous cartoon family to make a point at Thursday’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.During his speech at the conference, Cruz said, “I think the Democrats are the party of Lisa Simpson and Republicans are happily the partyRead full […]

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