Meryl Streep Praises Lady Gaga’s Struggle in A Star Is Born: “I So Related to That”

For months now, A Star Is Born has positively dominated the pop culture conversation.

It's not hard to see why: the powerful story is packed with incredible performances and a killer soundtrack, and the film is well on its way to dominating award season.

As if we didn't need any more reasons to add it to our list of all-time favorites, it now officially has a rare distinction: it's earned the praise of legendary actress and icon Meryl Streep.On Dec.

1, Streep sat down with Stephen Colbert for an incredibly personal conversation in front of nearly 3,000 people.

During the talk, Streep admitted she never thought she'd make it as a movie star because of her big nose.

That admission, of course, led to the pair's discussion about A Star Is Born.

"There was no way I was gonna be a film actor, never .



that wasn't even an option," Streep said.

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