Grab Your Tiaras Because We Might Get a Sequel to the Princess Switch

Netflix has been on a roll with romantic comedies.

Just last Summer alone, the trio of To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Set It Up, and Sierra Burgess Is a Loser made headlines and earned huge fan bases.

But Netflix's rom-com factory isn't just limited to the warmer months.

Last year's deliciously corny A Christmas Prince became a social media sensation and earned a sequel, out this Nov.


And the Christmas comedies kept coming with this year's The Princess Switch, starring Vanessa Hudgens doing her best Parent Trap-style dual acting as two identical women - one royal, one not - who switch lives.

The question is now: Will The Princess Switch tackle another kind of double trouble and get a sequel?So far, Netflix hasn't made an announcement.

In all likelihood, sequel decisions will rely heavily on how much buzz the first movie gets.

After all, A Christmas Prince

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