Game of Thrones: Let’s Be Honest, the Hound Has Good Reason to Hate the Mountain

Warning: Major spoilers for Game of Thrones ahead!One of the longest-running rivalries on Game of Thrones came to an end in the series's second-to-last episode.

After spending eight seasons - and most of their lives - hating each other, the Clegane brothers finally come face to face in an epic and very personal battle.

It probably comes as no surprise that the brothers meet their deaths at each other's hands, but while no one is sorry to see the Mountain go, we've actually come to feel for the Hound over the years.

Let's revisit why, exactly, Sandor had been on a mission to kill his brother after all this time.The rivalry between the brothers started out just as a simple sibling rivalry: Gregor, the older, was upset that Sandor decided to play with a toy that Gregor had discarded.

What's not normal at all is the way young

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