Adorable Alert! Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe Meet “Outlander Babies” Inspired By Their Steamy Love Scenes

Ever heard of the Outlander Baby Boom? Well, it's a thing.

(Or it is now!) Because just in case Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe weren't fully aware of what their super-steamy sex scenes from the past three seasons have manifested into this world, we brought a little surprise to the show's set in Scotland: Videos sent into us by fans of their "Outlander babies"--babies who were conceived after their parents watched the show.

See Sam and Cait react to the babies in the video above! Predictably, Sam and Cait responded adorably, "oohing" and "ahhing" at all the cuteness, but when one little girl called Sam "Daddy"… Things got real.

"I've never...

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