20 Years Later, Look Back at Britney Spears’s First Year as a Pop Icon

You never forget where you were during a truly historic moment, so yes, of course I remember what I was doing the first time I heard ".



Baby One More Time." At age 11, my hair likely pulled back with butterfly clips, I was in a hotel room with my mom listening to Radio Disney as we got ready for dinner.

The song played, I flipped out, and I insisted we change our plans and order room service so we could stay in the room, keep listening to the radio, and hear it again.".



Baby One More Time" came out in late 1998, and the following January, Britney released her album of the same name.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, it's been 20 years since Britney Jean Spears dropped the .



Baby One More Time album and seemingly became a pop icon overnight.

That year, she was everywhere: award shows, Disney concerts, TV specials, you name it.

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