Jameela Jamil Proposes Non-Binary Category For Hollywood Awards So Women Aren’t ‘Completely Shut Out’

Hollywood award shows are increasingly moving to rejig categories that have typically been split into male and female, with the Independent Spirit Awards and the Gotham Awards among those to introduce gender-neutral categories.Actress Jameela Jamil, however, is questioning whether gender-neutral categories will result in fewer awards going to female performers.Taking to Instagram, the “She-Hulk” star proposed her own solution: maintain male and female categories while adding non-binary categories.Read More: Tony Awards 2023: Alex Newell And J.

Harrison Ghee Make History As First Non-Binary Performers To Win Featured And Lead Acting Categories“Just asking… Would it not be better to give non-binary people their own category rather than open the door for Hollywood to completely shut out women given the known disproportionate amount of men vs women winning at award shows?” she wrote.“If we now have enough non-binary talent to restructure entire award shows, which is Great,...

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