The Surprisingly Understandable Reason Royals Aren’t Supposed to Eat Shellfish

Although it's unlikely that we'll find ourselves hosting a meal for the British royals anytime soon, there is one item that you definitely won't find on our menu: shellfish.

The entire royal family is advised to keep their distance from shellfish - including shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops - and the reason isn't as complicated as you might think.Related: 8 Rules You Should Follow When Interacting With Royal Families Around the WorldShellfish has a high risk of causing foodborne illness, and given their hectic travel schedules, royals simply don't have time for food poisoning.

As well as shellfish, it is also suggested that royals avoid rare meat, spicy foods, and tap water, especially while traveling abroad.

Seafood is one of Meghan Markle's favorite cuisines, so we can't imagine this guideline is going to be easy for her to stick with (but it will be probably

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