The Original Aladdin Legend Is Quite the Wild Magic Carpet Ride

Image Source: DisneyThe live-action version of Disney's classic Aladdin is getting nearer every day, and more details are being released constantly - along with a trailer that has lots of people buzzing.

Like most Disney films, it's based loosely on a centuries-old folk tale, but just how closely does the Disney version hew to the "original" - if there even is one.The original tale of "Aladdin" is part of the famous Arabic story collection One Thousand and One Nights, which is itself part of a folktale from the Islamic Golden Age in the either to 14th centuries.

The legend goes that Scheherazade, a queen married to a brutal king, saved her life for a thousand and one days by telling her husband a story every night of their marriage, but always ending just before the conclusion so that the curious king would not kill her; eventually, she wins his love and trust.

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