All the Reasons You Recognize The Lion King’s New Scar

There are plenty of things you can say about the upcoming remake of Disney's classic The Lion King, but "the cast sucks" certainly isn't one of them.

The voice cast is chock-full of big-name stars, from Donald Glover as Simba to Beyoncé as Nala to John Oliver as Zazu.

There's even a bit of casting nostalgia: the legendary James Earl Jones and his unmistakeable voice will be returning as Mufasa, the same character he voiced in the 1994 original movie.

And if you've been to the movies at all in the past few years, chances are you also recognize the actor who's lending his voice to Scar, the villainous usurper at the heart of the conflict, voiced by Jeremy Irons in the original film.Chiwetel Ejiofor began his career on stage in his native England, where he starred in several Shakespeare plays including Othello and Romeo and Juliet.

He made

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